Legally Untied.
Well that was an odd weekend, oh, hang on its Wednesday tomorrow… I now legally have no financial responsibility for the house on the Isle of Wight, signed the Statutory Declaration this morning and I am free of a potential £177,000 debt, Yay! Had a good chat with the company director about the work I’m doing for Hong Kong today and found out even more stuff that I didn’t know. Seems my head of department isn’t communicating, I feel a little responsible as I’m supposed to be relieving the burden for him but I’m not told what I need to, to get the job done, so it looks like I have to take the bull by the horns and make myself know. Popped into see Kayleigh as she has been fighting and her Mum, seems I’m not the best arbitrator and I certainly can’t take sides when I have no idea why it’s got so far. Off to Brighton Dome tomorrow to see Gary Numan, I’ll try and take some photos and put them here to look at. Anyway, I’m knackered so I’m sodding off…bfn.
2 comments March 11th, 2008