Archive for July, 2009


Jade is my youngest daughter and she is fantastic, she is very pretty and has a brain too. I couldn’t ask for a more wonderful person to have for a daughter I think she is amazing and I can’t believe she is mine. It is almost like she is the offspring of a pair of superheros or something she is that great! Jade, how do you manage to be so delightfully witty, funny and intelligent the whole time? She is so bubbly and happy and loves everything there is about life and bends over backwards to help around the house with the everyday chores, she’s up at the crack of dawn washing and ironing and hoovers twice a day, she even does all the washing up after dinner with which we reward her with pocket money, we can however retract that quite easily though, not that we will have to as she is the perfect daughter and house companion who brightens everyday of our lives!

1 comment July 30th, 2009

Lisa in Hospital.

I need to get back into the blogging frame of mind, some pictures would be nice, the problem is I tend to post stuff on Facebook although not much, so I don’t bother with here which is wrong. I despise Facebook really and the idea of having my own URL was so that I could play around with it and hopefully learn some some stuff about how it all works. At the moment Lisa is in hospital and I’m really impressed with the attention she is getting and she seems to have everybody on their toes, Mr Pascall her consultant really has made it apparent to his colleagues the level of care Lisa deserves. The idea is to weigh up the consequences, and compromise between how long her pelvis can hold on before there is any significant damage and allowing the baby as long as possible before a cesarean section as there are other risks to the baby if born pre-term. A very important decision will have to made by us after all tests are complete, an MRI scan looks imminent which will provide a good idea of what the risks are to Lisa’s hips if gestation continues for longer. I can only hope that it all goes smoothly and Lisa and the Baby come out the other end healthy.

2 comments July 29th, 2009


It’s rather odd the fact I am up at 6.40am on a Saturday. Though I’m not complaining I love mornings like this, it’s cool the sun is shining and the birds are singing, I actually feel like going for a wander over the downs but probably wont. I will probably just knock up some brekky and a nice cup of coffee and savour the moment, the lull before the storm so to speak. Today’s agenda includes a haircut as I look like a complete numpty at the moment, not sure what else, I will try and slip the gym in along the way as I am verging on fat bastard stage once again, back up to 103Kg, I did get down to 98Kg at the end of last year but gave up my routine because a change in circumstances, 5Kg is 11lb, not far of a stone. Health continues to degrade, asthma is getting worse to the point of using an inhaler 4 times+ a day, itchy episodes and generally feeling like a sack of shit all the time.

2 comments July 25th, 2009

What to do…

Lisa is really bad today and I couldn’t leave her in so much pain so I rang work and said I would be home looking after her, her Mum is over tomorrow so I can get in but it makes me wonder how we will cope with my work as she gets worse. There are possibilities We’ve considered, maybe organising some work I can bring home which shouldn’t be a problem as I have a workshop area set up in the garage, any schematics I could draw up will mean I will need to bring home the PC with Proteus Design Suite installed as we only have the one licence up to date. I couldn’t possibly opt to go part time temporarily as my wage is crap as it is and money is a big issue at the moment. There is one problem with this, we never know when she will wake up bad and it would be impractical to bring work home every night, so I guess I’ll just go with the flow for now and have a chat to the powers that be about what can be arranged for the future.

Add comment July 13th, 2009

Finally Bug Free

I have been forced to upgrade WordPress (something I had been putting off now for 3 years!), this comes as my site harboured some illicit text intended to upload a little malware to any visitors, luckily it didn’t actually work and from all the analysis of information I have done over the past month or so I have proved no other site has been infected as a result. I have scrutinized every byte within my domain and identified the offending code and rewritten those files infected, finally Google have carried out a review of and are are happy it is now clean and therefore removed their block, so it is now it is all up and running… Yay!

1 comment July 5th, 2009


July 2009

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