2.30am and unable to sleep, so got up and had a cuppa tea. Productive day around the house(flat) managed to arrange the living room slightly better, had a general clear up. Visit to the gym and devised an upper body circuit routine including abs and obliques which I will keep up, along with some leg presses working the hip abductors, quadriceps and gluteus muscles. I certainly feel I am toning already after just 3 weeks 🙂 I’m back to work from Monday and I’m hoping my busy days will give me plenty of exercise as frankly, aerobic exercising at the gym is bloody mind numbing, I much prefer cycling or a brisk walk outdoors. Spoke to an Amercan fella in the health suite who is a Vietnam veteran, turns out he is on Warfarin and has several complaints due to a chemical accidentally(?) sprayed on troops, interesting bloke.
Well it’s 3am, am I tired yet? Not really… more tea 🙂
November 19th, 2010
Good start to week, made a few job applications this morning before filling out a new claim for tax credits…again. Had a phone call from Booker and Best about a Gas Service Engineer role, will have to ask them if I can have the time to get whatever modules I require off my own back , they will probably tell me to sod off but I wont know without asking. One thing I forgot is that I am looking after Ava tomorrow so will have to move the time of the appointment. Did a couple of hours down the gym as missed out Saturday and Sunday. Was hoping to get a phone call from Lisa this evening as I’m wondering how Ava has been today, we did speak earlier but she seemed eager to get off, I would ring her but I put £5 credit on my phone and used it all up on hold to bloody Talk Talk, it ran out as soon as they picked up so didn’t get to speak to anyone anyway, life can suck sometimes! Also have to talk to Shane about moving this Lemsworld site soon too.
Enter your password to view comments. November 15th, 2010