Archive for October, 2007

Steam Room Shenanigans.

I was at the gym this morning for 3 hours, I nearly always spend 15 mins or so in the steam room afterwards which is relaxing and has menthol scented steam which is great for my nose/sinuses. Normally it’s empty and I can wander around making strange noises whilst swinging various limbs around. Though if there is somebody in there, or if someone comes in, I sit down very civilized and behave myself, occasionally a comment or a few maybe passed but I never start a conversation with a practically undressed man who has nothing but a towel/pair of speedo’s protecting his dignity. Having said that, this is a unisex steam room and the occasional woman does walk in usually in swim wear, but never the fit ones you see working out in the gym (tsk). Today however, there was a lady in there who was breathing purposefully deeply and making a lot of noise about it too, I found this quite irritating. One thing about the steam room is that it is made of plastic and the steam condenses all over the inside, including the ceiling, so every time the door closes quite a few large drops of water fall inside. So, I leave to get a cold shower close the door…hard, shower then return. 10mins later I do the same and she leaves….Yay! Room to myself. It maybe my antics had no effect whatsoever on her decision to leave, she might have just been hot.

Add comment October 29th, 2007


Hmmm…Well things are changing once again, I have a bit of spare time on my hands, I’ve set up the laptop and all’s tickety boo. Errr… Chain’s back in the land of strange talking people and Hovis bread, I’m getting excessively bored and wonder what it is I will have to do now. My liver enzyme levels are up so I will have to knock the booze on the head otherwise I’ll end up dead, when I used to get bored I’d go down the pub which is quite boring really so I’d have to drink to enjoy myself. So now I will probably become a total nerd and immerse myself in some kind of adult education, that’s if they’ll let me in the door. This place is a complete shambles and I’ve made a promise to myself to organise it, I’ll write that on my ever growing “ToDo” list that i seem to have lost… Must also write on it, “Find to do list.”

Add comment October 26th, 2007


Good lord I do talk some crap sometimes! But never mind, I will leave it posted and give myself a good laugh at some point in the future. You may notice the removal of the music file player as I couldn’t get it to work with IE…Never Mind Eh?

Add comment October 24th, 2007


What is it I need to do now? I see Chris has made some interesting entries in his blog, check my links. Will anyone ever succumb to the fact that I am not a ninetafiver, and will I be able to persuade my peer’s that I need to be let free…

Add comment October 21st, 2007

On The Move.

Well things have been set adrift as I predicted, maybe from now I will be able to calculate my self worth and do something of importance.

Add comment October 21st, 2007

Get Shot Of Internet Explorer

If you use Internet explorer visit here “FIREFOX”

Add comment October 20th, 2007

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