Jade is my youngest daughter and she is fantastic, she is very pretty and has a brain too. I couldn’t ask for a more wonderful person to have for a daughter I think she is amazing and I can’t believe she is mine. It is almost like she is the offspring of a pair of superheros or something she is that great! Jade, how do you manage to be so delightfully witty, funny and intelligent the whole time? She is so bubbly and happy and loves everything there is about life and bends over backwards to help around the house with the everyday chores, she’s up at the crack of dawn washing and ironing and hoovers twice a day, she even does all the washing up after dinner with which we reward her with pocket money, we can however retract that quite easily though, not that we will have to as she is the perfect daughter and house companion who brightens everyday of our lives!
1 comment July 30th, 2009