Lisa in Hospital.
I need to get back into the blogging frame of mind, some pictures would be nice, the problem is I tend to post stuff on Facebook although not much, so I don’t bother with here which is wrong. I despise Facebook really and the idea of having my own URL was so that I could play around with it and hopefully learn some some stuff about how it all works. At the moment Lisa is in hospital and I’m really impressed with the attention she is getting and she seems to have everybody on their toes, Mr Pascall her consultant really has made it apparent to his colleagues the level of care Lisa deserves. The idea is to weigh up the consequences, and compromise between how long her pelvis can hold on before there is any significant damage and allowing the baby as long as possible before a cesarean section as there are other risks to the baby if born pre-term. A very important decision will have to made by us after all tests are complete, an MRI scan looks imminent which will provide a good idea of what the risks are to Lisa’s hips if gestation continues for longer. I can only hope that it all goes smoothly and Lisa and the Baby come out the other end healthy.
2 comments July 29th, 2009