Archive for May 17th, 2006

Averagely Naff Day…

Well the strange thing is I have been contemplating on the question of why I say “Wahey” alot and come to the conclusion that I’m just a sad git. Croydon again today and guess where tomorrow? Although today was going really well and I was feeling kinda well chilled out cruisin’ around Banstead and the M25 corridor, I had a boiler job balls it all up! It took me longer to get the parts I needed ordered, than it did to take the boiler apart, service it, diagnose the fault, temporarily repair it and put it back together again, so if anyone with any clout reads this from Homeserve…”SORT IT OUT!” I’m being told to do something in a certain way by one person and differently by another? Feel like bashing their ‘eds together!

My Uncle came round to send an email, he was in a pretty good mood and not forcasting the colapse of civilisation or immanent death in the face of a quite large mushroom cloud as he usually does. Gave him a lift and popped to Chains for a cuppa, Angel invited me for dinner tomorrow which is cool (Cheers Luv 😉 ) not that I really am living on corned beef and crackers, that may have been exaggerated for amusement’s sake. But hey, whatever she knocks up will be thoroughly enjoyed.

Should start keeping eye out for 6meter radio from now as not long till payday…wahey! see….there I go again. Going to try out some designs tomorrow at Chain’s for an antenna. Will need a mobile jobby too, that’ll be a challenge.

1 comment May 17th, 2006


May 2006

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