Hey it’s half way through 2019…
Had a little look back at some of my posts and realise I kinda enjoyed writing about stuff here, so here I am. It appears the previous entries were aimed more towards friends I knew who used to read this, later on as the mists of time settled across the years I drifted to writing mostly after I’d had a drink; now I don’t drink hence the dwindling of entries of late.
A completely new mindset have overcome me, reality is really a creation of your own conscious thoughts, my reality had changed somewhat radically over the past couple of years, I guess I not having that serotonin sucking alcohol running through my veins helps. I’ve also discovered Wendy, a Medium lady from Southampton I used to know back in the days of the IOW, was right about a heart problem I have, an operation corrected some profound ectopic beats back in April and a cause for concern over my cholesterol levels including plaque deposits in my coronary arteries was highlighted, I’m now on Statins and will need 3 monthly visits to Cardiology at the District General, comes post misspent childhood shenanigans I guess… some maybe not quite so childhood.
1 comment July 13th, 2019