Project Please
Need to get moving on this Compensator design, been a year now with family commitments taking all my spare time. I am considering a redesign to get it all fresh in my head and a couple of books on PIC development as the website I was using does not now exist. Also some ideas I had about the temperature sensor design may have to change, maybe I might use an industry bespoke boiler NTC.
With a lot going on at the moment I can’t do a great deal, one of my projects this summer is to repair and dry-line the shed so I have a room where I can work, this however is becoming increasingly difficult with the ever spiraling family budget and Her Majesty’s obligatorily among others eating into my income. Another project is an HF antenna system that might meet with objection from a neighbour or two, my plan now is just to put it up and see what happens, I think making it an issue for approval may force them to consider that it could be more of an obstruction that it actually will be and they will oppose it. Perception of my plan could get exaggerated and I know how much some people like a drama. It also involves digging up the lawn for the grounding system, so early autumn may be a wiser choice of timing, I have a way of getting the other half on board with the idea of digging the lawn up and that is to design the ground plane using copper tube with holes drilled along it’s length for irrigating the lawn in dry weather, just a small addition of a 3/4″ MIC for a Hoselock connector required at the starpoint.
With generally good weather and a clearing consciousness, all this becomes a possibility… Just a few matters to attend to in the meantime.
Add comment August 10th, 2013