Yes It’s Early
2.30am and unable to sleep, so got up and had a cuppa tea. Productive day around the house(flat) managed to arrange the living room slightly better, had a general clear up. Visit to the gym and devised an upper body circuit routine including abs and obliques which I will keep up, along with some leg presses working the hip abductors, quadriceps and gluteus muscles. I certainly feel I am toning already after just 3 weeks 🙂 I’m back to work from Monday and I’m hoping my busy days will give me plenty of exercise as frankly, aerobic exercising at the gym is bloody mind numbing, I much prefer cycling or a brisk walk outdoors. Spoke to an Amercan fella in the health suite who is a Vietnam veteran, turns out he is on Warfarin and has several complaints due to a chemical accidentally(?) sprayed on troops, interesting bloke.
Well it’s 3am, am I tired yet? Not really… more tea 🙂
1 comment November 19th, 2010