Another Week Comes to a Close.
An interesting week, 50th Wedding Anniversary set up and Party, Yve and Colin’s party, Then a bit of a nosh up and drinks at Mum and Dad’s to celebrate the surprise arrivals of Saturday night, Uncle Eddy and Sandra with Rachel, Flynn and Oscar from Ozzy. Tuesday a day off work (wonder why?) and that evening the first of my mathematics course. Wednesday back to work a bit bleary eyed, finish early to walk up to the Conquest Hospital to do a sleep study, walk back to work following day again half asleep. Thursday evening just chilled with my family in front of the TV and an early night. Today I’m awake I think, although late for work I am here and relatively alert but that can all change. This afternoon shops, need stuff to complete set up of new TV etc., this evening paint front room, tomorrow set up HiFi and TV maybe put up antenna.
Add comment September 25th, 2009