Archive for October 1st, 2008


It’s Wednesday, and I’m sitting rather dazed at the thought that there is only two and a half days until the weekend, as we all know time tends to accelerate Monday-Friday so the latter part of the week goes quicker. I was chatting with my daughter Kayleigh yesterday and she mentioned about going to the cinema today with the college, something they do every Wednesday to see one of those odd unheard of matinĂ©es as part of their study, yeah right! My reply was, “You only went the other day!” At which point she emphasised ‘that was actually last Wednesday,’ we both agreed that time had flown by the past week and I pondered if it was relevant to many other people. Weekends to me are mostly just a blink of the eye until time seems to hit a wall at 6am on Monday morning and the cycle starts over.

Odd to think that Mondays are usually quite depressing, is this because time is actually going slower? Or do i just perceive time traveling slower because I feel depressed that it’s another 5 days until the weekend (cause or effect). In practice it seems the happier (busier, less bored) you are, the faster time seems to go the or vice versa. The irony is, if your busy and time seems to be traveling faster, you get more done than if you’d had the same amount to do in the same period when time was traveling slower because you were bored. Erm…yeah.

1 comment October 1st, 2008


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