Archive for July 8th, 2006

Bouncy Bouncy!

It seems everyone is having mishaps, out for a beer with the old man yesterday and a guy, only 19 yrs old who sings Frank Sinatra live in the pub and is the Son of the owner was involved in a car crash 3am Friday morning and is now in Intensive Care, today my Sisiter In Law (nearly) was bouncing on the trampoline at my Sisters’ and seriously done her back in. I felt really sorry for her and wish her a speedy recovery, she was carried off in an Ambulance, not to serious we hope, fingers crossed…

Other news, not much, currently got a few agencies in contact for some more suitable work. Now listening to the new album by Muse, Matt Bellamy (Head man in Muse,Guitarist and Vocals) is quite close to the family, his Dad is Georgie who made the first British number one in America in the sixties with Telstar, He gave me a guitar lesson once when I was 12 yrs old, now his Son is probably a millionaire and Muse are Bloody Huge! Haven’t met him but good freinds to his cousins’ Chris and Simon (Bellamy of course). Somehow I missed out, but hey, I wont ponder on that.

Feeling quite good at the moment, bored of life as usual but just need some work to set the books straight, it WILL come my way. I have been told to have clarity this weekend and be confident and things will come my way. This is so true. Nothing is impossible, the world we live in has been built on human desire and alot of blood and sweat! Just need to keep this positive attitude and I can acheive the stuff that made us what we are today.

Hoping my positive outlook rubs off on the important people in my life, you know who you are, sometimes things get tough and you need to grit your teeth and just ride it out. Life Sucks! We all know it.

Add comment July 8th, 2006


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