Posts filed under 'PKU'
Having been signed off for a week by the old Doc I have kind of moped about a bit getting in the way and upsetting Lisa’s routine. I have been known to be a little spontaneous so this quite possibly wont be the last time routines go out the window, or why not have complete randomness as a matter of routine? I did say to work I would be back in Thursday but was told to ride out my sicknote in case anything happened to me, is that anything to do with Health and Safety or are they just being nice? Whatever the reasons I’m back tomorrow without a doubt.
What’s the matter with me? Essentially nothing, except I’m struggling with certain areas, my diet for one which is a downward spiral, I need to be on top of that to be able to organise it, do you see the potential for failure there? If I eat a regular diet my mood differs, I become a little glum and melancholy and see life as drudgery specifically in areas of responsibilty, I certainly lose my vitality. So I’ve needed the time to get back on top of things which seems to have been worthwhile, all I need to do now is sort out the people at work.
October 4th, 2009
This blog is getting quite boring, my posts used to have a topic along with pictures but I cannot seemed to be arsed anymore. I did at the beginning, consider devoting my domain to a single subject, the most obvious were Phenylketonuria, Radio, Electronics or Guitar, but it kind of evolved through my lack of enthusiasm into an inane and mostly pointless collection of ramblings that very few people, seldom read. So I have been re-considering a topic, possibly a day by day diary with photos of a project I could undertake, I am trying to resist an informative site about P.K.U. with tips and recipes etc., there’s quite a few out there already and I’m not prepared to deal with PKU in pregnancy or infancy only adulthood, that may seem a little biased but I will getting no renumeration. So I must excogitate for a while and think of my whys and wherefores, I will have a more settled foundation from April 24th when there will be a more fruitful outlook… at which point time will tell.
March 6th, 2009
Decided to make one of my large generic vegetable soups today which end up very tasty and nutritious and last a few days… I summarised my dietary situation and guessed my phenylalanine levels would be high as I’d eaten some fish, tut tut… I have an amino acid supplement tyrosine, which I take as it battles with phenylalanine across the blood brain barrier and as my levels would be high I decided to add some of this apparently tasteless powder to my soup. Oops! it tasted bloody awful, what a waste of all those veges, let alone time and preparation. So I did what the Indians do when meat has been lying rotting on the plains in the middle of summer and they want to eat it, I used a whole (nearly) jar of hot curry paste, added some garlic, tomato puree and extra seasoning. It seemed to do the trick and was actually reasonably palatable. Having had a couple of large bowls today I’m beginning to get the full effect though, it’s a good job I’m on my own and don’t smoke.
December 10th, 2007
Is it possible for your neurons to rearrange overnight? If so, I can sleep in peace knowing that it’s not at all weird to go to bed with positive plans and ambitions for the following day’s activities, only to wake the following morning feeling like going on a balloon ride over the Himalayas. One thing I know people can rely on me for is my unpredictability, but it doesn’t really help me much, I can try and think of a way of putting my unreliability into a positive perspective but anything that involves routine, strict time-keeping, or meeting deadlines I eventually find excruciatingly tedious beyond the realms of the imagination. One thing I am actually doing at the moment is sticking to my PKU diet (a diet in which if I eat over a certain amount of protein, creates a chemical imbalance in my brain and can cause all the effects I seem to display) which is unrelenting in tedium, but tends to give me a more steady mood and an ability to concentrate better, we’ll see what the longer term benefits will be the future.
December 4th, 2007
It’s a seriously foggy Sunday morning, proof that autumn is here.
Outside Temperature: 10.1 Centigrade
Humidity: 92%
Dew Point: 8.8 Centigrade
Barometric Pressure: 1018mb tendency steady
Cloud Base: 132 Meters, I would’ve thought ground level looking out the window, I wonder what the weather’s like off-shore at Skegness?
Tomorrow I’m off to London to see my Consultant, Dr. Lee about my low protein diet so I can have it monitored as my G.P. along with the local hospital just can’t cope. I need to be able to do fortnightly blood tests (myself) and send them in for screening and receive the results the following week, this helps me manage my phenylalanine levels effectively. The problem with having it done through the hospital was I’d have to wait up to six weeks for any results, I’d need to go into the hospital for the blood test and any appointments with the dietitian etc. I would be put on the waiting list and sit tight for 2-3 months.
October 7th, 2007
Guess what? I’m back with nothing of any significance to write about. One day I may write a book but hopefully before my liver bursts out from my abdomen and lies quivering on the carpet. I have had correspondence from my old consultant Dr. Lee at the National Hospital for Neurology & Neurosurgery in London about my Phenylketonuria, I have made the decision that I’m a bit of a weird case and cannot possibly hold down a full time job and manage my dietary needs etc. inclusive of other details in my life I need to get a grip with. Unfortunately I may upset somebody along the way but I’m sorry, I need to do this otherwise I am going to be a very ill man. Oh and hello Helen 😉
August 30th, 2007
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