Am I at Death’s Door?

January 9th, 2007

Maybe, but I aint gonna be ringing the bell just yet!
Hello…Not another entry? Thats 3 in as many days, what is going on? Don’t ask me I have the answers to absolutely nothing.
Popped round Mel’s last night as her boiler has packed in again. Last May I replaced the PCB and it seems its the same problem! Hmmm…So onto Parts Centre and they have agreed to replace the PCB FOC. Which is quite amazing to be honest, not only that they had one on the shelf, all I had to do was remove the old one return it and they’d hand over the new one. Gave Mel the news, she said her hubby’s in all day so I pop by in between jobs, bang on the door, no answer, ok then. Had no choice but to return to my duties and pop in at the end of the day and remove the old PCB, only problem was it was 5pm and Parts Centre were shut, oh well… Had a blood test today checking liver and kidney function and checking out my thyroid so those results will be interesting.

Er, got my guitar pick up through today and no joy with Paypal yet so I can’t pay for the effects processor, bastards! Been looking at guitar amps,a very nice Marshall Valvestate for 20 quid! Yes 20 quid, only thing is its broken but it will be a cool project if I win it…4 days to go. Looks like I’ve been ripped off for £115.99 by some tosser on ebay, thats three times in one year. Just got to be careful as need to accumulate dosh for house.

Will have to add some spark to this site soon as its a tad on the shite side.

Entry Filed under: Personal

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