I’m a Ninja!
July 9th, 2006
To be honest I’m more of a Ninja than most, people who know me will understand! Wahey!!! Well another day another entry, I ache today, overdid it at the gym Friday but thats good. I now have a muscle somewhere, I’m sure I saw it the other day so maybe going to the gym is paying off. 5000 Meters in 23 mins, rowing, not great but hey, good enough for me, had a text from my Brother today who just did 5000 meters in 21 mins 10 secs, which is going some. Mind you he has a free gym at work so able to keep fitter than me, oh and he doesn’t glug through god knows how many units of alcahol a week either. Rang Maria this morning who found it necessary to bounce around until her back went out yesterday. She’s ok, walking around now and no spinal damage. Haven’t heard about Luke the Sinatra singer who was in intensive care after a car crash, hope he’s getting better.
Hmmm…Done sod all really, spoke to Chain and will be commencing lessons in programming/web design 9am Wednesday morning (note to self: buy an A4 pad) I spend far too long on the PC and acheive at the best of times, bugger all. Browsing ebay and watching Ask a Ninja is all good fun but it’s teaching me nothing. I could actually use the time I spend on the PC in a much more creative fashion, and hey, you never know, maybe make a few quid.
Didn’t go for the weekly beer with Cam this Friday, he’s not too well and he’s got a strange shaped right arm, get better soon mate 😉 Nothing on the work front but it is a Sunday, I reckon I’ll be working within 2 weeks, need to be as I have to fund the annual BBQ on my birthday, all readers welcome, unless you have some kind of psycopathic disorder and enjoy grilling people’s testicles. Erm…indeed, not much else really, it’s windy and 18.7 degrees centigrade, might listen to some music, might not. My Daughter Kayleigh was just speaking to me on MSN and started going all teenage on me so I cut that short…err can anyone donate £1,000 to me would be nice, may even set up a donate button on the sidebar for a laugh, I know it works as I donated to Chains blog a while ago…Leave it there I think, take care all.
Entry Filed under: Personal
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