Singstar etc.
June 20th, 2006
Well…the fact is at the moment I feel quite mortal, my auntie has passed away who I loved very much, more so my Mother who was closer than anyone to her is devastated…These things are sent to test us, life is not necessarily cruel as we know what to expect most of the time, we are given fair warning, but that cannot fill the void, memories are all that remain I believe this is how people live on. But there is a higher state of conciousness that pisses all over what we think we know, it’s whether it’s available to you and me when we die. Bizzarely had some Jehova’s Witnesses at the door this morning, actually caught me in the wrong mood, rather than tell them to bog off I engaged in conversation about the moon being hollow and the reason for perfectly round craters…as they showed exerpts from the Bible and trying to convert me….HAHA…They would have a task in hand there. I politely explained my differences and the dissapeared Watchtower in hand.
On a lighter note, saturday eveing went very well… Guitar hero, singstar and dance mat mayhem ruled the night…
Must admit I lost control of my fingers towards the end as Chain forced me to drink a rather potent red wine…;)
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