39 Today.

August 2nd, 2009

11.39pm on my birthday 2009, been a good day, pub lunch, wander around the reservoir then home to help make the girls some dinner. Watched a DVD in the evening and had a few tinnies and this is what remains. Had a little get together at the parents house last night which was a complete flop, nobody turned up, I blame it on the weather plus a couple were off sick. But not to worry, the big event this year is Mum and Dad’s 50th Anniversary, I still have a couple of invites I should pass on, also have to arrange the sounds which will involve hiring a PA system of sorts… I’m bored so bye.

Entry Filed under: Personal

4 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Tracey  |  August 3rd, 2009 at 8:37 am

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you lol

    We didn’t get finished with work until late then too knackered
    I’ve got a stinker of a cold didn’t want to pass it on… everyone keeps looking at me if I got Swine Flu hmmmmm

  • 2. Chain  |  August 3rd, 2009 at 11:25 pm

    hey nice anti-spam words lol..

    Anyway happy 29th you old tart, sorry we couldn’t make it but things getting a bit stressed as about to head back and lots of things I wanted done have not happened (people let me down) so I have had to do it myself.. and that means takes twice as long looks crap and makes me a moody old fart..

    Still at this rate when back next month I shall only have a weeks work to do.. Then again..

  • 3. Tracey  |  August 4th, 2009 at 9:58 am

    Oi Shane you taking the years off of him to try and make yourself feel better about being ……. 39 LOL
    Imagine 40 next year…. yep the BIGGGGGG 40 LOL

  • 4. Tracey  |  August 12th, 2009 at 9:02 pm

    What no new entries lol

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