The Future?

February 19th, 2009

Finally I seem to have stopped coughing! I think… I also seem to’ve stopped a lot of other things and am beginning to feel a little displaced. It’s incredible the effect of dropping one tiny M4x10 screw into your car engine can have, now that I know the car is basically shagged, I need to buy another or continue having my whereabouts dictated by my inability to drive. Everything seems to be in slow motion at present, although time in motion cannot be regarded as the present; as the present is a moment in time without a period that can be measured, if it had a beginning and an end then they would be past and future respectively at any point inbetween, so in effect, the present encompasses past, present and future in one unit. Really everything is in the past, as when we witness an event in the present, it actually takes a fraction of a second for neural impulses from our senses to be transmitted to the brain and processed into the reality we consciously perceive, therefore we are actually riding the wake of the present a fraction behind in the past, so the present could be envisaged as the future. As we never catch up with the present, how do we know it actually exists? The future is different as we can fix a time in it and know it will arrive and pass.
Ooops! There I go again off on a tangent, time for bed.

Entry Filed under: Personal

2 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Tracey  |  February 20th, 2009 at 7:40 pm

    You going on a tangent…. Never LOL

  • 2. Chain  |  February 25th, 2009 at 4:49 pm


    ahem… Ladder logic rocks…. err?

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