In a Nutshell…

February 12th, 2009

Things are changing at a pace I can’t comprehend, I always thrived with stability but at the moment I have no idea where I am. My car is dead, I stay at Lisa’s during the week as its a half hour walk from work rather than a 2 hour £5 return train journey an hour of which would be walking. I’m looking forward with great anticipation to moving to a new house in the Summer, but it seems such a long way away. I will then hopefully be able to restore my routine at the gym and forge the stable environment I need to thrive. But at a glance, I can see I have something to work towards, a purpose I have craved for all those years I stagnated in my 6×8 room, that purpose will provide a foundation and stability so I can at last be happy.

I’m in a kind of odd mood. Work is quite intensive at the moment, I have to design the PCB layout for a Multiplexer we’ve already sold to BT, the schematics and BOM’s I will complete tomorrow (Friday) having worked on them over the past couple of weeks, with continuous changes to component values and circuit design, this is good as I’ve actually been able to show my worth. A busy week next week and continuing communication with Terry will ensure that a working prototype could be available within two weeks. Apart from work I’ve been a bit shitty, had a damn cough for weeks now, sometimes tickly, sometimes chesty. Coughing up lumps of phlegm every morning on the way to work is common, in the evening I become wheezy, almost asthmatic and cough till I nearly puke. Looking forward to Spring now, even though I love a cold winter, I’m growing tired of this coldy/coughy/wheezy shite going on non-stop.

Entry Filed under: Personal

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