April 3rd, 2015
Why do people write blogs? I just Googled it and it seems my reasons are a little sad, most people blog about things they are interested in to a depth in which other like minded people respond for advice or assistance etc. I talk about how I feel, PKU, some techy stuff, that’s about it… I know if I dedicated this site to PKU and provided the links, it would become a quite vibrant place, but my problems with PKU get in the way. Technically I am not a master of anything, so I could not keep up a detailed blog of interesting artefacts about any particular subject to make the site useful for that purpose. This blog will continue I hope, I have had mixed feedback from others that have read it. There will never be a solid subject nor will anything necessarily connect as it will always be me at the helm, whatever that means.
Entry Filed under: General
1 Comment Add your own
1. Chain | April 5th, 2015 at 11:46 am
Hmm I have thought this a few times fella.. I started mine to just keep an eye on what I was doing.. Over the years I have had some success in actually making it interesting but rather more in proving I’m a rather boring person..
I think it was damn fun and interesting up to a certain point and then I realised that some people were getting treated unfairly from their point of view. Frankly I was not thinking of anyone but myself.. Various other things changed and I had a hard look at myself in a mirror and decided to change what I post.. Since then I have lost a lot of interest in posting as frankly a lot of it is boring..
The other problem I now face is that companies who I would like to work for do research on people on the internet and although I change the names on my Blog it isn’t too hard to work out it’s about me.. So I can’t post about work (I have some stories that would make people cry with laughter and some that would make them hide behind the sofa.. 😉 )..
So there you have it.. Mine is now me just moaning.. and for reference.. After all.. once I’m dead it’s not going to matter to anyone and I doubt that anyone will be bothered to keep it online.. I offer now technical information or advice.. So err.. yeah..
Couple of years ago someone mentioned I could take certain bits and make a damn funny book.. But that’s the sane for everyone’s blog I expect 😉
Cheer up.. It has happened but most likely not to you 😛
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